Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Viewsource New Release!

Hello fellow community!

Well if you have been following my blogs you probably know that I was working on fixing some issues with Viewsource.

Well, the good news is I found out what the problem was!
The bad news is you might have to fix it yourself, haha. (I will explain in a bit)

Firstly, I had to change my viewsource.conf up a bit so that it looked like this:

Addhandler cgi-script .cgi .py .pyc .pyo
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI

That is to give the viewsource directory handlers for cgi and python and give it the Execute cgi option. I tested this out on a fedora 12 machine (india) and it worked, even with SeLinux. I thought it would probably work on the HongKong machine which I believe still has fedora 11 on it, sadly it did not.

I then had to turn on AVC denial messages because they were currently being suppressed due to saving space, I did this with the command: "semodule -DB"

I then issued the command: "
ausearch -m avc -ts recent" to view the recent messages so I didn't waste time searching for them. To be honest, looking at AVC denial messages is like looking at the matrix, NO idea what it meant until I talked to Chris Tyler who helped me out a little.
After frustrating myself, I eventually found out that the boolean "httpd_enable_cgi" had to be turned on (which it was in india), and since this is not my personal machine I left it alone. Which is what I was talking about before when I mentioned you might have to fix it for yourself, if you have errors simply use the command: "setsebool -P httpd_enable_cgi on" and you are set. I also placed a README in my package for this.

I put a DXRDROP directory in my home so that my good friend Alex Vlahopoulos, who is in charge of the repo, to come and pick it up when he is ready for it.

I suppose I should probably suppress the AVC messages again so I don't cause hongkong to eat up too much memory :
semodule -B.

Now, assuming there are no more issues with the package, (which we will find out soon when dehydra and jshydra are ready), I just have to clean up my spec file to comply with fedora regulations and I will be set!

Until next time, friends! :P

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