Tuesday, March 30, 2010

gcc progress

Heh, funny title because that's exactly what we aren't having...progress lol.

Well recently me and Boris had a good scare when we tried building gcc on the cdot machine known as india and it was completely skipping all the steps and finishing the "build" in literally seconds. We thought that we completely messed something up in our spec files but I think it had to do with all the cdot machines being powered down last weekend.

Today, or rather yesterday, we tried building again and it worked....well the process was working, we still ran into the same errors as before. This is the error.

We decided to see if anyone in the fedora-devel channel knew anything about the error, only one person responded and he didn't have any idea. He, however, suggested that we try running rpmbuild on the spec file we got out of the gcc tarball just to see if its our system that is giving us the grief and not the spec file. Turns out it was a bit of both because although it did get further in the build process, it failed in the install process.

We tried asking about our problem in the gcc channel but either they were all busy or they just didn't like our question, whatever the case may be we are still progress-less lol.

We have a few options now, we could get in touch with a gcc developer and see what their package list is, to see what the difference is between our system and their system, and we can also ask about the spec file, basically get as much info out of them as possible.

Boris also suggested that we build the spec file from scratch, I can tell you all thats going to be a tough road but I guess since I am already along for the ride I might as well tackle it with him.

Well, thats all for now, until next time!

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